Mother Nature has been busy in Guatemala lately. On Thursday May 27th, an active volcano in the area, Pacaya, erupted and spewed ash over Guatemala City, killing one reporter and causing 16,000 locals flee their homes. Up to 3 inches of ash covered parts of the capital, closing the airport and rerouting flights away from the country’s primary transportation hub. And then Guatemala met Agatha.
Heavy rain began to fall on Friday, compounding problems and limiting ash removal. Tropical depression Agatha, as it came to be called, brought nearly 18 inches of rain in 24 hours. Water spilled over the banks as rivers filled with trees, mud, boulders, houses, and cars, forcing many to evacuate to higher ground. Both the highlands and coast have felt the weather’s wrath. At one point or another, almost every road and highway in the country was blocked with landslides, sinkholes or water. The largest sinkhole appeared in Guatemala City, where it swallowed a three story building and a house, rendering an entire city intersection useless.
More astonishing casino spiele online than anything, all of the chaos occurred in only four days. The volcano subsided and the storm passed, but there is still much to be done in Guatemala. Many citizens are working around the clock to repair their communities, homes, and lives.