Clinic(sm)Transitions operates a clinic to provide services to children and adults who are in need of a prosthetic limb or an orthotic leg brace. Due to the high number of birth defects and accidents in Guatemala, there is a large demand and need for these services. We work with local Guatemalan certified technicians to evaluate and manufacture the limbs and leg braces our patient’s need. Patients fitted with their limb or brace can achieve increased mobility and opportunities in their lives.

Many of the patients are children or youth and require ongoing treatment and adjustments to their equipment. Due to the high costs of providing these special devices, new patients can only be helped when defined funding is available.

Through the services offered by our clinic we have seen patients walk for the first time in their lives, receive their first arms, and be fitted with leg braces that allow them to stand upright and walk without a wheelchair. Many of our patients have entered school and the work force as a result of this great change in their life.
